Create mapped domain blog

You're creating a blog that will map with this domain:
  • Insert:
Attach files

Optional: Provide a very brief description of your blog

  • Allow members of the community to post entries in this blog.
      • Allows you to restrict posting of entries to specific users or user groups.
        • User id's
          User group id's

Misc options

Choose the layout type for displaying blog entries on your blog page.

Search engine optimization and indexing options

The Open Graph / Twitter title used on social media (Facebook, Twitter etc).
The title used in the title tag. A meta title, also known as a title tag, refers to the text that is displayed on search engine result pages and browser tabs to indicate the topic of a webpage.
Provide a brief summary of your blog for search engines.

A meta description can influence the decision of the searcher as to whether they want to click through on your blog from search results or not. The more descriptive, attractive and relevant the description, the more likely someone will click through.
You can choose whether or not to allow external search engines to index all blog entries in this blog, or only blog entries meeting certain criteria.

  • This option allows you to save this Blog as a Private Blog, in which the Blog is only viewable by yourself (the Blog Owner) OR Staff with permission to view Private Blogs.